
How To Change Water Pump On 99 Dodge Ram

How to overhaul and operate marine centrifugal pump

How to overhaul and operate marine centrifugal pump

Marine Centrifugal pump are by and large use onboard ship, for transferring liquid from one point to another.

Both Engine and deck department need to know how to utilise and overhaul this equipment.

This article will give yous basic noesis about how you can smoothly operate centrifugal pump and as well how to overhaul information technology.

Someone may ask, why did I mention deck department above?. Deck section operators require this cognition because when you are operating an equipment, there is need for y'all to have bones knowledge (if not professional) near the equipment you use.

Knowing this will not only gird you on proper way of operations, but also requite you lot confident to dictate or empathise the behaviour of the equipment.

Most of the time, the engine department do have clash with the deck coiffure simply considering of Improper use of machineries. This clash ordinarily happen either between the top iv, or the junior officers (3rd grade).

Therefore always try to sympathise basically the equipment you operate, operate with care and have it serve you.

Main objective

The main objective of this article being to bring to your noesis the mode of operations of centrifugal pump and how to overhaul information technology, first we are going to larn proper fashion of starting and stopping this pump.

  • Open the suction valve ( mostly located at sea chest or tank area)
  • Make sure the discharge valve are on close position
  • Keep the power off
  • Manually turn the pump shaft ( shaft between the pump and motor, to cheque how free the pump is, maybe how any obstructions). Note in case of large pumps, you need to beginning and stop (some seconds) to detect the behaviour.
  • If costless, scissure/fully open the discharge valve ( incase of high pressure level) and first the motor.
  • Open up the discharge gradually till it gets full open.
  • Check the pressure and regulate with the bypass ( incase you have more required pressure)

The above listed local mode of starting centrifugal pump has been adjusted with automatic air release system. Therefore e'er bank check the pump golden book(manual) before using it.

How to overhaul and operate marine centrifugal pump

How to overhaul centrifugal pump

  • Cheque and close suction and discharge valves
  • Switch off the ability from the distribution panel or chief switch.
  • Disconnect the electrical wire, note the rotation direction terminals(incase of three face up connection), and connect the same manner subsequently overhaul.
  • Check the coupling bolt ( if bellow,beam,etc coupling ) and remove them.

For types of coupling and pumps to utilise them check here

  • If your pump is on vertical position, connect chain block and pull the motor up, check for locked h2o force per unit area,then open up the pump.
  • If the pump is on horizontal position, loose the pump motor base bolt and remove the motor to create infinite for you,then follow same prophylactic procedure mentioned to a higher place.
  • Loose the pump flanges or pump impeller joint( equally recommended by your pump blazon), then bring out the pump.

How to dismantle pump mechanisms

  • Dismantle the pump starting from the impeller side. Loose the guide nut and washer.
  • Use pulley to screw out the impeller, so remove mechanical seal.
  • Remove the bearing guide pin/lock ring behind.
  • Tap carefully on the shaft( recommended with wood or robber hammer) from behind to remove the bearings together with the shaft.
  • Check and audit bearings. If necessary modify them.
  • To change, make clean the shaft, lubricate with oil and tap carefully from behind the bearing groove.
  • To install new bearing,clean the groove very well and lubricate then install from the small stop as removed.
  • Make clean the bearing housing, grease properly, and install the shaft from the impeller side. Don't forget the difference betwixt the two ends.
  • Install new mechanical seal carefully.
  • Install any washers every bit removed.
  • Place the impeller to the end side ( most be directly and paw free) so tap effectually information technology, to seat proper(lock pin should be available).
  • Put the washers and nut as removed, and tight.
  • Check and rotate the shaft for gratuitous motility.
  • Box upward and cheque alignment. Mount the electric motor and connect the pump.
  • Earlier starting the pump, check again for free movement.
  • You are done.

Notation: the to a higher place instructions may be different depend on the pump purpose. The in a higher place instructions are by and large for water centrifugal pumps.

If yous accept questions or additions, feel free to comment below. We will help you.

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